
The Amazing Video Game Name Generator

I happened to find this hilarious tool of wonderful amazingness while cruising around the internet; it's called the Video Game Name Generator, and it has a bank of phrases/words that it randomly combines together to make names of imaginary video games, with something like 70 million possible combinations. And it somehow manages to come up with a ton of absolutely hilarious names.

My personal favorites would have to be Communist Chipmunk From Hell, The Sims: Equestrian Apocalypse, The Lethal Banana Strikes Back, Super Flatulance Gone Wild, Renegade Stunt Babies, Legend of the Terrorist in My Pocket, and The Jedi Banana Strikes Back. Sure, sometimes it comes up with completely stupid names, but all it takes is an quick click and an insta-load, and you should be back to total hilarity.

Seriously, check it out, even if you don't like video games (Though I really don't know why you're here if you don't.. Just kidding! I love you anyway :D). 


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